dilluns, 2 de maig del 2016

The earth is my mother

Cançó ancestral dels indis americans "The Earth is my mother"

Amb aquesta cançó fem una coreografia amb moviment i percussió. La cantem a dos veus!

The earth is my mother,
We must take care of her.
The earth is my mother,
We must take care of her.

Hey yanna, ho yanna, hey yan yan.
Hey yanna, ho yanna, hey yan yan.

Her sacred ground we walk upon
With every step we take.
Her sacred ground we walk upon
With every step we take.

Hey yanna, ho yanna, hey yan yan.
Hey yanna, ho yanna, hey yan yan.

The earth is my mother,
She will take care of us.
The earth is my mother,
She will take care of us.

Hey yanna, ho yanna, hey yan yan.
Hey yanna, ho yanna, hey yan yan.